Current Laboratory Members
Post Doctoral Associates
PhD Students
- Mary Virginia Jones Mechanical Engineering Graduate Fellowship, 21
- Poster Honorable Mention, Dielectrophoresis, 21
- Fralin Commercialization Fellow, 21
- Doreen J. Putrah Cancer Research Foundation Travel Grant, 19
- Davenport Leadership Scholar, 19
- Outstanding Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Fellow, 19
- B.S. Clemson University (Mechanical Engineering, 18)
- P.E.O Scholar Award, 22
- OncoSec International Travel Grant, 22
- SBES Symposium Graduate Student Poster Presentation Award, 22
- ICTAS Doctoral Scholar 20 - present
- New Horizon Graduate Scholar 20 - present
- Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society 21 – present
- M.S. Duke University (Medical Physics, 20)
- B.S. Elon University (Physics, 18)

- Professor C. William and Doris Smith Scholarship, 19-20
- B.S. Virginia Tech (Engineering Science and Mechanics, 21)

- B.S. Texas A&M (Biomedical Engineering, 21)

- B.S Virginia Tech (Biomedical Engineering, 22)
Masters Students
Sara Altreuter, BME 24
Hunter Danesi, BME 24
Mody Kutkut, ECE 23
- Sofie Saunier (MS BME, Spring 2023)
- Kenneth Aycock (PhD BME, Spring 2023)
- Electromechanical Engineer, Intuitive 23 - present
- 1st Place Oral Presentation Award VT-WF SBES Symposium, 22
- 1st Place Applied Biology and Medicine, 4th World Congress on Electroporation, 22
- International Travel Grant, 22
- SBES Symposium Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award
- Doreen J. Putrah Cancer Research Foundation Travel Grant, 19
- Pratt Fellow, 18
- Nastaran Alinezhadbalalami (PhD BME, Fall 2021)
- Senior Research Engineer, Galvanize Therapeutics, Inc. 23-Present
- CTE IGEP Fellow, 2017
- BioTRANS IGEP Fellow 2016-2022
- Phillip Graybill (PhD ME, Fall 2021)
- Senior Scientist, Vivodyne, Philadelpia, PA 21 - present
- 2nd Place Oral Presentation, 3rd World Congres on Electroporation, 19
- Best Scientific Image, 3rd World Congress on Electroporation, 19
- Doreen J. Putrah Cancer Research Foundation Travel Grant, 19
- Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Award, 26th International Symposium on Electroseparation and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques (ITP), 19
- MultiSTEPS IGEP Traineeship, 16-17
- Natalie Beitel White (PhD EE, Spring 2021)
R&D Engineer, Boston Scientific, 21 - present
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: 1st PhD Oral Presentation, 21
Bradley Graduate Fellow, 19-21
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: 1st Place MS Oral Presentation, 18
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention, 18
William E. Webber Graduate Fellow, 16-18 - Melvin Lorenzo (PhD BME, Spring 2021)
NIH Diversity Supplement, 21-22
SBES Symposium Graduate Student Poster Presentation Award, 20
Cunningham Fellowship, 16-20
AIMBE Public Policy Institute Travel Grant, 19
AngioDynamics Educational Travel Grant, 19
Doreen J. Putrah Cancer Research Foundation Travel Grant, 19
World Congress on Biomechanics 2018 Travel Grant, 18
2nd place NEMB ASME Student Poster Competition, 18
Pratt Fellow, 16 - Timothy O’Brien (PhD BME, Spring 2019)
Senior Research Engineer, Gala Therapeutics, Melo Park, CA
PhD Paper Competition: 3rd Place Oral Presentation, World Congress of Biomechanics, 18
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best MS Poster Presentation, 15
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: 2nd Place Oral Presentation, 14
- Adwoa Baah-Dwomoh (PhD MSE (Co-advisor), Spring 2018)
Lead Engineer, W.L. Gore & Associates, Newark, DE, 18 - present
MultiSTEPS NSF IGERT Traineeship, 12-15
Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Inductee, 18
Black Female Graduate Student of the Year, 18
Outstanding Student Leader of the Year, 18 - Temple Douglas (PhD BME, Fall 2018)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania, 20 - present
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Curie Institute, Paris, France, 19
College of Engineering New Horizons Graduate Scholar, 16-18
Herbert A Pohl Student Presentation Award, 16
MultiSTEPS NSF IGERT Traineeship, 14-16
- Dan Sweeney (PhD BME, Spring 2018)
R&D Associate Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, 20 - present
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, 19-20
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of North Carolina, NC 18-19
MultiSTEPS NSF IGERT Traineeship, 13-15 - Andrea Rolong (PhD BME, Spring 2018)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Vanderbilt University, 19 - present
MultiSTEPS NSF IGERT Traineeship, 13-15 - Alexandra Hyler (PhD BME (Co-advisor), Spring 2018)
Head Research Scientist, CytoRecovery, Inc, Blacksburg, VA, 18-Present
Virginia Tech Graduate Student of the Year, 18
1st Place Talk Award, SBES Symposium, VT-WFU, 18
Gold Agent of Change Oral Presentation Award, GSA Symposium, 18
VT College of Engineering Diversity Fellow, 16-17
Fulbright Fellowship to Denmark, 15-16
Gold Poster Award, GSA Symposium, 15
NSF IGERT MultiSTEPS Program Trainee, 13-15 - Elisa Wasson (PhD ME, Fall 2019)
Postdoctoral researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, 20 - present
Gold Poster Presentation, VT-GSA Symposium 18
NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology Conference (NEMB), Honorable Mention (Poster), 15
Lawrence Livermore Graduate Scholar, 2018
Lawrence Livermore Student Intern Symposium, 1st Place (Poster), 18
Walts Fellowship, 17-18
National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship, 13-18
GEM University Fellow, 13-18
New Horizon Graduate Scholar, 13-18
ICTAS Doctoral Scholarship, 13-15 - Mohammad Bonakdar (PhD ME, Spring 2016)
Senior Engineer, Amgen, Cambridge MA, 18 - present
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best PhD Presentation, 16 - Suyashree Bhonsle (PhD ECE, 2017)
Electrical Engineer, Abbott, San Francisco Bay Area, 17 - present
David W. Francis and Lillian Francis Research Scholarship, Virginia Tech Graduate School, 16-17
Ellen E. Wade Graduate Studies Fellowship, Virginia Tech Graduate School, 15 - Matt DeWitt (PhD SBES (Co-advisor), Summer 2016)
Senior R&D Engineer, Abbott, Charlottesville, VA, 17 -Present
Cunningham Doctoral Fellowship: 11-16
ASME Heat Transfer Conference: Invited Panelist on Thermal Medicine, 14
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship(GRFP), 12-15 - Eduardo Latouche (MS ESM, Spring 2016)
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best MS Presentation, 15
BMES-FDA Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference: First runner up podium, 16
Senior Engineer, VoltMed, Blacksburg, VA 16 – present - Lisa Anders (MS BME, Spring 2014)
BioMEMS Process and Integration Engineer, Tronics MEMS, Inc, 17-present
Manufacturing Rotation Engineer, Texas Instruments, 14-17
MultiSTEPS IGEP Fellowship, 12-13 - Alireza Salmanzadeh (PhD ESM, Spring 2013)
Senior Engineer, BD Biosciences, San Jose, 16-present
Post-doc, University of California, Berkeley (Luke Lee), 14-15
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best PhD Presentation, 13
Amir Chand and Dewki Bai Batra Scholarship, 13
Virginia Tech Graduate Man of the Year, 12
Outstanding Graduate Student Leader Award, 12
American Electrophoresis Society: Poster Award, 12
American Electrophoresis Society: Poster Award, 11
Virginia Tech Cancer Symposium: Co-Chair, 11
Manual Stein Scholarship, 10 - Chris Arena (PhD SBES, Spring 2013)
Collegiate Assistant Professor, BME, Virginia Tech, 17 – present
Assistant Professor, Elon University, 15 – 17
Post-doctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina, 13 – 15
Richard Skalak Award, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 14
College of Engineering Graduate Student of the Year, 13
1st Place Podium Ph.D. Student Paper Competition, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 12.
1st Place Virginia Tech KnowledgeWorks Tech Transfer Challenge, 12
Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly Travel Fund Program Award, 12
NSF John Chato Memorial Symposium Travel Award, 11
3rd Place Podium Ph.D. Student Paper Competition, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 11 - Katherine Prokop (MS BME, Fall 2013)
Application Consultant, BrainLab Inc., 18 – present
MultiSTEPS IGERT Fellowship, 11-13 - Elizabeth Savage (MS BME, Spring 2013)
Program Lead, Adva-Tec, Poly-Med, Inc, Anderson, SC 16-present
Consultant, Poly-Med, Inc. Anderson, SC 13-present
MultiSTEPS IGEP Fellowship, 11-12
Interdisciplinary Research Symposium Poster Award, 12
Spotlight Speaker Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Honors Society, 12-13 - Robert Neal II (PhD SBES, Fall 2011)
Director of Research, Galaxy Medical, Menlo Park, CA 20 - present
Principal Engineer, Galaxy Therapeutics, Melno Park, CA 18 - 20
Principal Engineer, Angiodynamics, Marlborough, MA 13 - 18
Virginia Tech Outstanding Dissertation Award, 12
Whitaker International Foundation Fellowship, 11
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best Poster, 11
Post-doctoral, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne Australia, Dr. Ken Thomson, 11 - 13 - Andrea Rojas (MS MSE, Spring 2012)
Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity (IMSD) NIH Fellowship, 10-11
Product Development, Terumo Medical Corporation, Elkton, MD, 16-present
Engineer, W.L. Gore & Associates, Elkton, MD, 12-15 - Mike Sano (MS ESM, Spring 2009, PhD SBES, Summer 2012)
Assistant Professor, UNC – NC State, 17 - present
Post-doc, Stanford University, 14 – 17
DoD post-doctoral Fellowship, 15
Virginia Tech KnowledgeWorks awards Tech Transfer Challenge prize, 12
CEO, VoltMed LLC, Blacksburg, VA, 12-present
Paul E. Torgersen Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, 09 - Erin Henslee (MS BME, Spring 2010)
Assistant Professor, BME, Wake Forest University, 2018 - present
Whitaker International Foundation Fellowship, 10-11
Ph.D. University of Surrey, Biomedical Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Michael P. Hughes - John Caldwell (MS EECS, Spring 2010)
Engineer, Leadership Development Program, Texas Instruments, 10-present
Texas Instruments National Design Competition: First Place, 09 - Hadi Shafiee (PhD ESM, Fall 2010)
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Post-doctoral, Harvard-MIT, Prof. Utkan Demirci, 11 - 14
F32 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 12
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: PhD Finalist, 10
26th Annual Research Symposium and Exposition Poster Competition: First Place, 10
Liviu Librescu Memorial Scholarship, 09
GEM4 - Cellular and Molecular Mechanics: U Illinois – Urbana Champaign: Best Poster, 09 - Paulo Garcia (PhD BME, Fall 2010)
Founder, Kytopen, 18 - present
Research Scientist, MIT, 16 - 18
Post-doc, Harvard-MIT, Prof. Cullen Buie, 13 - 15
Virginia Tech KnowledgeWorks awards Tech Transfer Challenge prize, 12
Paul E. Torgersen Student Research Excellence Award: Best PhD Presentation, 10
26th Annual Research Symposium and Exposition Oral Competition: Second Place, 10
SBES 9th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium: Best Presentation, 10
IEEE EMBS Student Paper Competition: North American Finalist, 09